A middle-aged woman saint named Tai Maharaj lived in Amraoti. She had a large following, and she invited Baba to her temple. Baba went on December 23rd. (1952) , and in the presence of over five hundred of her followers, she received Baba with tears in her eyes. She declared to all present, “The Avatar has come to me!”

Throughout the half hour of darshan, Tai Maharaj remained seated near Baba’s feet and would not leave him. After the program, she requested Baba to enter the temple, which he did. A statue of Lord Krishna was profusely decorated inside, and Tai Maharaj gazed at it and then at Baba. Pointing to the statue, Baba motioned to her, “I am there!” On his return, Baba remarked, “I appreciate the spirit of Tai Maharaj. There are many saints but she is a real one who totally forgets herself. She is so simple and humble. As for myself, I prefer vagabonds to hypocritical saints.”

Lord Meher, Original Publication, Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 12, p. 4017 – 4018.